Want to have a chat?
Have an idea you wish to run by us?

Please feel free to send us a message and we'll respond within 2 business days.
If this is an emergency, please call us at the numbers below and leave a message. We'll get back to you ASAP!

Call Krissy at 919-609-6740
Mon-Fri 3:30 pm till 6 pm (leave a message anytime)
For additional information call 919-779-5672 Ext 1

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For Tickets to Bluegrass Christmas in the Smokies

BUY TICKETS HERE (coming soon) or call Krissy at 919-609-6740 Mon-Fri 3:30 pm till 6 pm (leave a message anytime) or use the contact form here. For band information, call 919-779-5672 Ext 1